
Case Studies

Leadership & Education

Leading the Way

Most of our clients are interested in investigating methods and materials that can lower the impact of construction on natural resources and carbon emissions. Our in house team provides thoughtful analysis and options.

Certified Green Building Specialists

Case Study: Education, training and engagement in the newest approaches to sustainability

成人头条 LEED certified professionals get involved with design teams early in the development phase to help analyze materials and methods and to incorporate concepts to achieve LEED accreditation. From our knowledge base, we provide critical value analysis for project teams to make strategic decisions during the project development.听听

We have Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) certified staff, ready to help you implement and maintain your project’s SWPPP that was developed during design. Our comprehensive SWPPP services cover: regulatory compliance and compatibility and feasibility for both construction as well as industrial general permits.听

In addition to LEED, our team uses benchmark systems to validate sustainable design approach for our projects including Living Building Challenge, ParkSmart, CHPS, Labs 21, SITES, Well Building Standard, Buy Clean California Act, Architecture 2030, SB 100 etc.

We are committed to learning and understanding the emerging sustainability policies and practices – so that we can help our clients make informed decisions. Some of the local and state climate change policies include:

  • Design for All Electric Building Act.
  • Buy Clean California Act (BCCA) Meet targets for GWP (Global Warming Potential) for Structural Steel, Rebar, Flat Glass, Board Insulation.
  • Architectural 2030 Challenge. Reduce embodied carbon emissions from all new buildings, infrastructure, and associated materials by 65% by 2030 and zero by 2045.
  • SB 100. 100% Clean Energy Act: California to be powered by carbon-free electricity by 2045.